The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
Batman: The Arkham Saga Omnibus released in September for $150, but you can get this massive hardcover collection for only ...
Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy made many interesting changes to the original Batman comics, often for the better in ...
He referred to their friendship as “The Dynamic Duo- not Batman and Robin– D and Lee.” During the conversation, the film helmer praised the acclaimed star for his work in Malcolm X.
You'll be able to get started in Lego Fortnite Brick Life when this experience launches on Thursday December 12 at 6am PST / 9am EST / 2pm GMT, though you can already find it on the main Discover ...
while the 3450 Lego Statue of Liberty sold for a whopping $1,661 (£1,366) at the close of 2022. If you’re super into your Batman comics and lore, you’ll already know that the Tumbler is the name of ...
Much like a certain Disney genie, the late Robin Williams granted wishes to people in need of a helping hand, according to his son Zak Williams. “When I was a little kid, and we’d be walking ...
Robin Rhode was born in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1976. Inspired by youth street culture and art history, Rhode creates drawings, paintings, photography, and films. In Rhode’s work, urban walls ...
The LEGO Store has been busy this holiday shopping season. It launched the Store-exclusive set LEGO The Endurance on Friday, and has been running two side-by-side sales. You can shop the main sale ...
No matter who’s on your shopping list this holiday season, there’s likely a Lego set that will be a perfect ... It also comes with minifigs of Batman and his archenemy, the Joker, all for ...