In an unexpected and heartwarming tale, a wild lynx named Lena proved that the instinct for motherhood can transcend species. Her journey from wary predator to devoted foster mother to three stray ...
In a delightful development that has captivated animal lovers, the Queens Zoo recently introduced three Canada lynx cubs to the public through a charming video debut. These tiny cubs, with their ...
A team of handlers from London Zoo, who were called to an address in Cricklewood, north London, were shocked to find a European lynx - a powerful, agile creature about 2ft tall at the shoulders ...
The Kansas City Zoo opened in 1909 with a modest collection of animals: four lions, three monkeys, a fox, a wolf, a badger, a lynx, an eagle and some other birds. Since then, it has expanded to ...
When the Lincoln Park Zoo opened the Pepper Family Wildlife Center, it opted to bring in the Canada lynx and snow leopard, rather than an ocelot or margay, small carnivores that live in tropical ...