In an unprecedented move, Bandai and Sunrise are teaming with Studio Khara to develop its next mecha series, Mobile Suit ...
Unlike Mobile Suit Gundam, the Knightmare Frames in Code Geass symbolizes the conflicts imposed by opposing ideologies.
Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino's decision to choose Studio Sunrise was quite surprising, but it ultimately proved to be a ...
Hello sir, thank you for seeing my profile. I am a full-time freelance concept artist that loves to sketch and is completely enamored with design. I would be happy to work with you.
The first Gunpla model kit for the latest Mobile Suit Gundam anime is already available to pre-order, just in time for the ...
Mecha Break finally has a release window, coming to PC and Xbox Series X|S in Spring 2025 with three game modes.
Sunrise and Khara joined forces to create a new Gundam series, with a lot of staff members that previously worked for Gainax.
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (OAV): Mechanical design, Key Animation (ep 13), Setting Assistance Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory - The Mayfly of Space 2 (OAV): Mechanical ...
Sunrise and Khara announced a the new Gundam series called Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX, with script by Evangelion's Hideaki ...
The upcoming and bafflingly titled 'Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX' has been announced as a co-production between Studio Khara ...
SD Gundam G Generation Eternal is set to hold its first upcoming network test that'll also allow applicants from the US.