Research Insider is a weekly email newsletter by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships. Designed for OU researchers and research support staff, this newsletter celebrates OU ...
The Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory, the core microscopy facility of the University of Oklahoma-Norman, offers access to instrumentation, training, and service. Our mission is to provide ...
We are earth and energy. The Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy improves people’s lives through research, education and service by studying Earth’s past and present, developing new energy tools and ...
Nearly a century of innovation and vision: that’s what it takes to be the University of Oklahoma. And it’s what makes the University of Oklahoma's Michael F. Price College of Business #1 in Oklahoma, ...
The Community Engagement awards were established in 2018 by Provost Kyle Harper to recognize mutually beneficial university-community partnerships in research and teaching. Each year, the Community ...
The OU Writing Center is a pedagogical service that supports OU undergraduate and graduate students as well as members of the Norman/OKC community. The primary goal of our services is to help writers ...
The Division of Student Affairs at the University of Oklahoma strives to enhance students' academic success by developing student skills, cultivating diverse campus life experiences, and enriching the ...
The IPPRA team builds partnerships and conducts research by integrating public policy scholarship with the physical and engineering sciences to increase human well-being, improve our social choice ...
The University of Oklahoma's $2.1 billion enterprise represents one of Oklahoma's greatest assets. Our impact is changing the lives of all Oklahomans, through scholarship, research and more. 30,000+ ...
The Gallogly College of Engineering is enjoying a period of rapid growth and we are continuing to invest in new faculty across all disciplines. With more than 20 open positions, we seek candidates ...
The purpose of the David L. Boren College of International Studies (CIS) is to expand the OU international experience and develop compassionate, open-minded citizens and leaders by enhancing global ...