Options allow you to make money in the stock market regardless of whether it’s up, down or stagnant The two varieties of options, calls and puts, can be combined in several different ways to ...
We're diving in with a week-long series on Yahoo Finance, Options 101, presented by tastytrade. We'll debunk the myths, decode the secrets, and help all investors harness the power of options.
If you're just beginning to learn about options, here is a great place to start. Our Option Basics articles offer an easy-to-follow breakdown on the nuts and bolts of equity options (specifically ...
Here, we just discuss some of the basics. Vertical spreads involve selling one option to buy another. Generally, the second option is the same type and same expiration but a different strike.
The popularity of stock options trading has soared in recent years, as retail stock traders have become more comfortable with managing their own investment portfolios and dipping their toes into ...