Elephants are among the smartest, largest animals on the planet. With all that size and brain power, it should come as no ...
Elephant babies are BIG babies! The average elephant baby is 200lbs at birth and 3 feet tall, growing to be 6-13 feet tall ...
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — The Sedgwick County Zoo says its five pregnant African elephants are doing wonderfully. The elephants ...
(Also read: Abandoned by its mother, baby elephant finds new home with Tamil Nadu foresters. Watch) The video shows a mother elephant in distress, struggling to understand the death of her young calf.
(KSNW) — The Sedgwick County Zoo says its five pregnant African elephants ... the zoo provided an “Elephant Bumpdate” on social media. It said the expectant moms get regular ultrasounds ...