The History of Mathematics Research Group studies the origins and development of mathematical ideas and methods from the beginnings of recorded history—in all societies and cultures. Research in this ...
This course is available with permission to General Course students. This course surveys the development of mathematics from the beginning of history with an emphasis on its applications to finance ...
Pythagorean mathematics, duplication, trisection, and quadrature, Euclid's elements and Greek mathematics after Euclid, Hindu and Arabian mathematics, European mathematics from 500 to 1600, origins of ...
This course is available with permission to General Course students. This course surveys the development of mathematics from the beginning of history with an emphasis on its relation with the ...
A 19th-century scholar claimed that "Cocker's Arithmetick" had "probably made as much stir and noise in the English world as any [book]—next to the Bible" ...