Lord Brahma, often depicted with four faces ... This tale is celebrated during the festival of Durga Puja. The Hindu gods and goddesses are not merely figures of worship, but symbols of divine ...
Here's a brief look at Hindu deities, grouped by the Trimurti (which represent creation, preservation and destruction). The concept of the Trimurti refers to the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva ...
Brahma is the creator god who works with Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva to maintain an unending cycle of universes. All three are aspects of Brahman. Time is not a straight line. Instead there are ...
A person with true bhakti is able to visualise Lord Narayana ... It is a steady stream of devotion to God, said V.S. Karunakarachariar in a discourse. Brahma, because of his bhakti, could ...
A young Hindu explains ... many lesser gods as expressions of aspects of that Supreme Being. Following the clip, students could be asked to choose one of the three main Gods - Brahma (the creator ...