“Hula Fulla Dance,” an original anime film from the director of “Fullmetal Alchemist” and “Mobile Suit Gundam 00,” is now showing at theaters nationwide. It focuses on hula dancers ...
LAHAINA (HawaiiNewsNow) - A jewelry vender says she was kicked out of a craft fair for performing a hula dance. But the manager says that is not why she was asked to leave. Oriana Kalama was ...
Say aloha to the dancers of Hula Halau Na Mamo O Pana’ewa as they share the rich culture and history of Hawaiian dance. Using traditions passed down from his grandmother, owner Chase Keoki Wang ...
Paul Theroux's Quest to Define Hawaii: http://j.mp/HPVhp8 For Hawaiians, both native and those who have made it their adopted home, the Hula is more than just a dance ...
Tell something about you that most people don't know. I danced hula for around six years in elementary school. I danced in competitions, performances and the local parade. What was the best thing ...
1 in Bellator 286. Lucas Noonan / Bellator photo Maui professional mixed martial arts fighter Sumiko Inaba grew up dancing hula. From 5 to 15 years old, Inaba moved delicately to Hawaiian music ...
Takamine is a kumu hula (master teacher of Hawaiian dance) who will officially receive the 31st Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize on December 15, 2024, at a private ceremony at Washington Place ...