especially if you're wondering when and how early you can take a pregnancy test. Whether you're hoping for a positive result or just want to confirm your suspicions, understanding the nuances of ...
You're probably familiar with the scene. Pulling the little box out of the drug store bag, ducking into the bathroom, and ...
Just as the home pregnancy test kit can give a false positive, it can give a false negative result too. Here are some of the possible reasons behind it: If you take the test too early, i.e. within ...
It's early in your pregnancy. If you take a pregnancy test in the days immediately before or after a missed period, the test will only detect small amounts of hCG, which can show up as a faint line.
Morning sickness, food cravings, frequent urination and food aversions are well known early pregnancy symptoms, but they ...
The most obvious sign of pregnancy at one month is missing your period. The fertilized egg will have implanted into your ...
And there are other early ... Anyway, if you've been doing some (SINGING) brown chicken, brown cow (SPEAKING) and have any of these symptoms, you might want to take a pregnancy test.