In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is primarily known as a father to sons like Kartikeya and Ganesha. Some stories and traditions say that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati also had daughters. Their names ...
In Hinduism, Kali represents the vengeful feminine form of Vishnu, the protector of the universe. Vishnu, working in tandem ...
1' 45" - Who is Lakshmi? (The Hindu goddess of wealth). 1' 52" - How do Hindus invite Lakshmi into their homes? (They make Rangoli patterns and light candles). 6. Opportunity to sing An ...
Friday is a sacred day in Hinduism, dedicated to goddesses Lakshmi and Santoshi ... Devotees clean their homes, light lamps, and offer flowers, sweets, and incense. It is believed that regular ...
Diwali - the festival of light. videoDiwali - the festival of ... The reason behind this is that images of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi - show her either holding a lotus or sitting on one.
In India where light skin is coveted, a new campaign is re-imagining popular Hindu gods and goddesses with a darker skin, writes the BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi. The desire for fairer skin is not ...