Rachel Olivia, a 32-year-old woman from Australia, initially dismissed a small red mark that appeared on her forehead, ...
A 32-year-old Australian woman’s seemingly harmless pimple on the forehead was eventually diagnosed as skin cancer when it ...
On her YouTube channel, Dr. Pimple Popper recently popped a dilated pore of Winer on a patient's temple while they chatted about books. According to Dr. Sandra Lee, better known as "Dr. Pimple ...
A young mother has issued a warning for Australians after discovering a “pimple” was in fact something much more sinister.
Then she used scissors to snip away the "nipple" part that was hanging off of Felicia's forehead. At this point, Dr. Pimple Popper knew some of the dark and discolored skin would remain.
Rachel Olivia, 32, suddenly had a pimple pop up on her forehead near her hairline. It felt as though it had appeared overnight. Two years later, the mother has been left with a large brown scab in ...